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 P O S T /                              C A R D

FALL  2020

“How are you?” is a hard question to answer right now. “How are you?” is something you might ask in a phone call or in a letter. But we found it’s more answerable in smaller chunks, like on a postcard.


For Issue 6, we decided to go with what felt like a relatively simple idea: send a “postcard” to someone else, sharing one thing from your life in the past few months, and get one back – knowing this format would carry potentially layered meanings during a global pandemic, democracy crisis, etc.


The Pool’s growth has always depended on intersecting circles of friends. The “postcard” exchange made sense as a way to harness and expand  that sense of community, especially during a time of deep isolation.We also hoped it would bring us back into the three-dimensional world, when, for many of us, interaction with the world is filtered through a screen.


Some pieces stand alone, or aren’t clearly addressed to someone.  Some would never fit onto an actual postcard, either. But this issue is as much about the concept of exchange, connection,  as it is about the content.  Maybe we haven’t responded to our friends’ texts in months, but we offered fragments of our lives to a friend-of-a-friend (of-a-friend…). Our postcards are a remembering, and perhaps a letting go. 


We hope you find something among them that stirs you and makes you feel less alone. It turns out sending mail was something of a radical act in 2020. May there be more postcards in 2021. 

Welcome to our fall issue.

Glad to be in touch.

Natalie / Mitchell

Natalie / Mitchell


Erin / Rosie

Erin / Rosie

I’ve recently started experiencing the world almost exclusively in motifs—small images that I interpret as deeply impressed with meaning.

Kathleen / Eva

Kathleen / Eva

how we travel together under timeless sky

Lizzie / Nadine

Lizzie / Nadine

We harvested kohlrabi and celeriac in the snow yesterday, kneeling and digging, all knees and laughter...

Amanda / Annalise

Amanda / Annalise

I tried to write a postcard but it was too fragile so I wanted to put it in an envelope.

Dani / Lindsay

Dani / Lindsay

Death is commonplace when profit over people is the soup du jour.

Olivia / Bethany

Olivia / Bethany

Being perfect won't release you from the pressure.

Carrie / Ale

Carrie / Ale

There's so much going on right now it seems so daunting to try to capture any of it.

Flying Solo

Flying Solo

every day i wake up and it is the same--a massive convergence of disease and revelation.

Like what you see here?​

Get in touch with The Pool team if you have pitches, feedback or are otherwise interested in getting involved. We can't wait to collaborate with you!

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